Short intro

Without education there is no future.

When there will be emphasis on education
There will be development all around

Human sahyog foundation Chakla -Kishanganj, Bihar

Human Sahyog Foundation is a peaceful organization which is promoting peace and education
Located in – Kishanganj-Bihar. 855107

Educationally and economically backward area in india ‘where Educational weakness and poverty are spreading very fast .

So we have established (Human sahyog foundation)in 2024 ‘for the new generation to fill the Educational weakness and remove poverty from backward ares all over India.

Our dreams

Generalizing education”

To establish schools ‘and colleges ‘libraries ‘universities ‘laboratories’ research centers ‘and other institutions all over backward areas .

Alleviating poverty۔

To establish homes for the poor or aged people and orphans or other establishments for the relief and help to the poor ‘needy people.


Account number: 165322010001095

IFSC Code: UBIN0916536 

Your donation can be used for any permissible ‘religious, reformatory, welfare, well-wishing ,spiritual ,and good purpose.